It's funny how one project leads to another sometimes. While we were picking up some materials to repair the bathroom floor, three stair treads and a set of risers found their way into the back of our Versa. Oops.
Now that we've made some tentative decisions about the main floor (I'll share more on our flooring choice soon!), we could finally make a decision about the steps leading to the upstairs hallway. Yeah, I don't think we'll miss those temporary treads and risers much ;)
We seriously considered painted treads (and that's still the plan for the steps leading to the basement), but we ended up choosing oak veneer treads and staining them to match the hardwood upstairs. I used the same staining method as for the hallway transitions, and last night I applied the final coat of poly. I painted the risers the same trim colour we've used throughout the house (I still have another coat plus poly to go).
Obviously the treads and risers still need to be cut down to fit our steps. And, you know, installed. Adam's band is playing a show at St. FX on Saturday night, so installing them this weekend seems unlikely, but not impossible? I should probably mention that we haven't finished installing and painting the trim in the bathroom yet. And some of the wall paint needs touching up. And the bathroom door is actually in the guest room. Honestly, if we ever finish this house I won't know what to do with myself.
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