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Wednesday 27 November 2013

Info Post
Adam and I just got back from a long weekend NYC. We were there to surprise a friend for her 30th birthday, which is why you haven't heard anything about it until now. We had a great time and I'll share some photos from our trip later this week!

In the meantime, somone recently asked me if I was working on another "Life List" this year and I realized that an update is long overdue (I haven't posted an update since I first shared my list back in February - oops!). As a reminder, here's the list:

And here's what I've completed so far:

1. DONE. I had a few slip-ups, but I managed to mostly avoid sugar for an entire month. I did this way back in February (or was it March?) and while it wasn't life-changing, it's helped me step away from the cookie jar more than a few times since.

2. DONE. Yes, I still need to install the baseboard, but at least it's organized. I think it's due for another clean-out though.

7. DONE. After mulling it over for awhile, I painted the bathroom a dark grey in late April - including the ceiling. I still love the new colour and I'm so glad I repainted.

9. DONE. These photos are from our first post-baby date, but we've been pretty good about keeping the date night going since I started my list. We don't call it a 'date night' and we don't set a date each month, but we seem to be getting out of the house, just the two of us, at least once a month. Obviously we're very lucky to have family nearby to watch Hannah for us!

10. DONE.

11. DONE. Our friend Chelle shot some family photos for us over the summer. I definitely want to make this a semi-regular thing.

13. DONE.

14. DONE.

16. DONE. We made it to the beach a few times this summer and I'm already looking forward to next year, when Hannah will be a little older. I see lots of sand castles in our future.

17. DONE. We made a road trip to New England this summer to visit family and attend a friend's wedding in Maine. How cute was Hannah in her neon pink bathing suit?!

19. DONE. We finished our DIY patio just in time to host a birthday party for Hannah. As you can see, Hannah had a great time!

22. DONE. We went camping with Adam's brother and his wife over Labour Day weekend. We had a great time and I'm hoping we can make it an annual thing.

25. DONE. I can't believe I'm sharing this photo on the Internet a second time (poor Hannah had roseola here). We survived and we've even run a couple more races since then (a 10K and a couple of 5Ks).

26. DONE. No photographic evidence (you don't want to see that), but it was awesome.

32. DONE. After breaking my old camera, I upgraded to a DSLR over the summer. I still need to learn how to use it, so maybe taking a photography class should go on next year's list!

Many of the remaining items are well underway and some aren't going to happen this year, but that's OK - they're just goals.

Psst! I'm working on a DIY Advent calendar that I can't wait to share with you. Are you making a calendar this year? Here's some last-minute inspiration from Martha.


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