Planting a privacy hedge
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How was your weekend? We spent a lot of it outdoors, enjoying the beautiful weather and working on our future patio area. I gave our back windows a fresh coat of white paint while Adam planted a row of emerald cedars. We chose cedars for our future privacy hedge because we like the look and they grow quickly (relatively speaking; in 4-5 years we should have an impressive evergreen screen). Adam planted the shrubs ~18 inches apart and filled the holes with a mixture of dirt, compost and manure. Now we just have to remember to water them ;)
Next, we need to finish cleaning up the brush you see in the background of the first picture. It's actually a grove of bamboo that we're keeping - it offers great privacy during the summer months - we just need to clear out last year's dead stuff to make way for the new. We also need to mark the area for our patio so we can start digging. In case you missed it, you can check out my patio inspiration here.
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