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Friday, 31 May 2013

Info Post
Pinterest via DesignSponge

Pinterest via Birch and Bird

Pinterest via Est Magazine

Pinterest via decorpad

We've known that we need to do some reinforcing of our bathroom floor for a little while, but the project is moving up the priority list faster than I might like. The good news is that we get to pick out new flooring. And we might as well tile the tub surround while we're at it, right?

I could stare at pictures of beautiful bathrooms all day, so I've been having lots of fun pinning inspiration. I'm especially drawn to traditional/vintage bathrooms (my next house needs to have a claw foot tub). Right now I'm thinking white hex tiles for the floor (with dark grey grout) and subway tile on the walls (with white grout).

The weather is GORGEOUS here today and I'm hoping it sticks around for the weekend. I started training for my half-marathon, so tomorrow starts with my first long-ish run (it's only my second week of training; the race is at the end of July). We're also planning to start digging the patio (!) and we've got a co-ed bridal shower on Sunday (I'm curious, have you been to a co-ed bridal shower? Thoughts?). What are you up to?

A few links to kick off your weekend:

-Here's the half-marathon I plan to run. Any locals want to join me?
-I love this wedding's peach, mint + gold colour scheme (and it was styled by fellow-Maritimer Jane of Modern Jane Design). So pretty!
-Even vegetarians can enjoy BBQ season.
-I'm also one of the 40% (except not, because I live in Canada and Adam stays home with Hannah + works). Some of the responses to this study have really upset me; I think this one gets it right.


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