In between a delicious dinner at Morris East, movie watching and picnicing at the beach, I managed to clean out our garage this weekend! It's not a sexy project, but it's #1 on my 30 before thirty list and it feels SO GOOD to check it off.
So now we have a pile of junk to be hauled away, a pile of stuff to donate, and a much smaller pile of items to sell. And yes, I've been going into the garage purely to marvel at the fact that a) I can see the floor and b) if I want something, I know exactly where to find it. It's also a good kick in the butt to finish some of the projects that were hiding under all that junk and clutter.
Sadly, cleaning out the garage doesn't make for very pretty pictures, so here are a few shots of some recent bathroom tweaks (you may remember that after hanging these very lovely paper terrariums, I still needed to accessorize). I bought the flowers at the market on Saturday and everything else is stuff I already had on hand.
Bathroom tweaks
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