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Friday, 21 June 2013

Info Post

Happy first day of summer!

There's a great post on the marion house book about half-painted walls today. Emma has curated several inspiring images, including the one above.

I love the the wall colour in our living room/dining room - which is similar to, but a bit lighter than, the colour on the lower half of the walls above - but lately I've been itching to change things up. I don't know that I'm ready to change the entire space (especially with so many higher priority projects in the queue), but this could be the perfect treatment for the long wall that runs from our entry, past the living room and into the kitchen. Also, that floor is the exact tone of hardwood that I want to install on the main floor.

Fresh Yogurt Cheese (Labneh) Recipe

Thanks to a conversation I had on Twitter earlier this week, I've decided to try making labneh this weekend. If you've never had it, it's a healthy, spreadable cheese from the Middle East and it's delicious (or so I'm told). It looks like it's pretty easy to make, too. I'll be adding herbs to mine and I'll meet you back here on Monday to let you know how it turned out.

Happy weekend!


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