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Monday, 25 March 2013

Info Post
On Friday, Janice's freshly-painted dressing room inspired me to do a little painting of my own.

Back when I painted our bedroom, I think I ran out of paint and was too lazy to go buy more, so I figured I'd just paint the closets later (I'm pretty sure new baseboard wasn't installed for the same reason). I've been thinking about painting my closet for ages, but Janice inspired me to finally get off my butt and do it.

On Friday night, I painted the whole closet (walls + shelves) with Behr's 'Heavy Cream' (the paint was leftover from the guest room). On Saturday morning, I measured and taped off my stripes (to keep things simple, I aligned them with the shelves along one side of the closet). I used Sico's 'Shiatsu' for the stripes (again, this was leftover paint we had in the basement).

I peeled the tape off when my paint was still wet, but it took quite a bit of paint off with it. Probably the result of not priming + fresh paint (if you're doing a similar project, I'd recommend using painter's tape designed for freshly painted surfaces). Luckily it was easy to touch-up and before long I was done (with painting, anyway).

I'm making a few more tweaks to the closet before I load all my clothes back in, so check back later this week for the 'afters'!


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