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Friday, 30 November 2012

Info Post

all images via To and From Magazine

You might recognize these shots of Amber Lewis' dining room from the holiday issue of To and From Magazine. Her ability to mix colour, pattern and texture is obviously unreal (that woman is seriously talented), but these photos are also great inspiration to think outside the box when it comes to holiday decorating. And do I spy pom-poms on the corners of those napkins? Love!

Onto the links!

-I wish they had puppy rooms when I was in university.
-Chelsea tweeted a link to this oldie but goodie post by Emily Henderson (warning: it's a long one) about the ins and outs of prop styling. Really interesting and, as is usually the case, the job is much more involved than you might think at first glance. I was exhausted just reading about all the work that goes into a single shoot!
-Is Pinterest making you less creative?
-I was excited to see my modern tree from last year in this round-up of pretty Christmas trees.
-I wrote a piece for Chic & Cheap Nursery this week about the dark nursery trend. Soothing and stylish or dark and depressing?

We're taking a mini road-trip with Hannah to visit friends tomorrow and Sunday I'm hoping to tackle a DIY project that I'm strangely nervous about. Cryptic enough for you? Happy weekend friends! 


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