Remember my paint-dipped chair? Turns out I couldn't stop at just one paint-dipped project.
I found terracotta pots and saucers (not sure what the correct term is) at the Dollar Store months ago and the paint was leftover from other projects (including the chair). For my chair, I taped off the areas I didn't want to paint to get that "dipped" look. I tried doing that again (after painting most of the pot with my orange-y coral colour), but I couldn't figure out how to wrap straight tape around a round pot and get a smooth line. I'm not saying it can't be done, I just couldn't do it :)
Instead, I measured two inches from the bottom of my pot and made several pencil marks as I worked my way around the pot. Using my pencil marks as guides, I used a small foam brush to apply my white paint. My line isn't even close to straight, but I like the wavy imperfection.
I've still got two more pots, so I'm definitely going to try this again, hopefully with a colour that isn't so terracotta-esque ;)
DIY paint-dipped planter
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