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Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Info Post

Now that nights are a little colder, I decided it was time to switch up our bedding for fall. And when I spotted Style at Home's limited edition bedding collection, I couldn't resist the tallulah duvet cover. It's the perfect mix of grey and taupe for our neutral bedroom and I love the ikat-inspired print. I've been searching for a new duvet cover for a long time, but I couldn't find a print I liked (anyone else have that problem?). So when I saw the tallulah print, I got the quick OK from the husband and ordered it on the spot (BTW, it has a nice silky feel to it and I think it could go more grey or taupe, depending on what you pair it with).

I found the wooly red throw at HomeSense for $19. It's perfect for curling up with a hot drink and a good book, or just for taking a nap (these would be two of my favourite fall activities). I already had the small houndstooth pillow on hand and I made the other pillow cover out of an old shower curtain (you may remember it from the DIY fabric headboard in the guest room - it's the fabric that keeps on giving). For fun, I added a few buttons from my collection.

My bedding switcheroo gets Hannah's approval (this is her 'I approve' face):

As opposed to her 'I hate outfit photoshoots!' face:

So, do you switch your bedding up for fall? Any great sources of duvet covers I should know about?

BTW, I wasn't paid or perked to mention Style at Home's new bedding collection - I just like sharing good stuff!


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