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Monday, 14 November 2011

Info Post

Don't you love long weekends that actually feel like long weekends? Mine was just that; I got to enjoy some quality time with family and friends and I managed to move along several projects on my 'to do' list. Oh, and I finally had daylight to snap a few pictures of my bedroom progress.

The colour on the walls is Martha Stewart's Whetstone Gray. It's a taupe-y gray, with lavender undertones in certain light. I chose a flat finish to hide the many imperfections in our old plaster walls and I love how it turned out, very calm and soothing (plus, no more textured walls!).

I sewed the curtain panels ages ago, initally to cover the entire wall behind the bed to disguise the off-center window, but it turns out I much prefer them this way. They help emphasize the ceiling's height and add to the room's relaxing vibe.

I scored a new piece of furniture for our kitchen on Kijiji last week (more on that later), so I switched out our current dresser for the antique dresser we were using as extra storage in the kitchen. Which means I have to paint a lamp green instead of a dresser (um, happiness).

Of course I've still got a bunch of things on my bedroom 'to do' list:
  • Paint that lamp
  • Finish painting, then hang, closet doors (I wake up staring at my clothes every morning. It does make it easier to figure out what to wear, but I can't wait to have doors!)
  • DIY an upholstered headboard
  • Sew a doggy bed (I'm going to try piping for the first time, wish me luck)
  • Hang art
  • Find an accent chair
  • Add accessories, especially a plant or two
So how many 'to do' lists do you have? Just one, or a list for each room?

freckled laundry

The Shabby Nest


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