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Monday, 14 November 2011

Info Post
Style-ING w/Children was nice enough to think of me and my little ol' blog for the Versatile Blogger Award! Thank you! I've really enjoyed getting to know other bloggers through this award, so I'm kind of excited to share seven things about me. Here it goes:

  1. I have a Masters degree in Public Administration and work full-time as a small business lobbyist, which means you can sometimes find me in the paper or on the radio advocating policy that supports the growth of entrepreneurship. It's definitely not what I pictured myself doing for a living (my background is in healthcare), but I feel very lucky to do the work that I do. I've found that every small business owner has an inspiring story to tell and I have so much respect and apprecation for the incredible amount of hard work and dedication it takes to run a business. What can I say? I love small business!
  2. I also love Kraft Dinner. I've been known to eat an entire box on my own, with chopsticks (the chopsticks make it better somehow). In fact, whenever my husband's band is on tour (like now) you'll find me with Kraft Dinner and chopsticks in hand.
  3. I'm a dual citizen. My parents are Americans who came to Canada to go to university and decided to stay. I was born and raised in Canada, but I went to university in Massachusetts and lived in Boston until I started dating my now-husband and moved back to Canada to be with him. Now I have family in Nova Scotia, Florida, Wisconsin and New England. Yes, holidays are complicated :) 
  4. I have a serious daydreaming problem and my daydreams include running my own business (hopefully related to interior decorating and design) and making a documentary (topic TBD). Someday.
  5. I'm obsessed with documentaries (hence #4). I'll watch a documentary on any topic, but I especially love crime documentaries (as a teenager I probably watched every episode of A&E's American Justice and City Confidential...I can't believe I just told you that). They're also my favourite thing to have on in the background while I'm working on a project. It's why I signed up for Netflix.
  6. I detest, loathe, absolutely cannot stand the song 'Black Velvet' by Alannah Myles. Just thinking about it makes me angry.
  7. I once accidentally joined a half-marathon while going for a weekend run. As I rounded the corner on my usual route, I noticed groups of people on either side of the road cheering me on. It was slightly embarrassing, but also incredibly motivating (although not motivating enough to make me want to formally enter a race).  
That was fun. So many of the blogs I love to read have already received this award, so I think I'll hold off on passing it around for now. Thanks again to Style-ING w/Children for letting me get in on the fun :)

Update: Beatrice from The Crafty Bee was nice enough to nominate me too. Thank you so much!!


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