One of the projects I quickly wrapped up before Hannah's party (see what I did there?) was the makeover of an $8 table I bought at Value APRIL (the shame). You may remember me asking for your decorating advice here. I went with Option #1 using Rust-Oleum Painter's Touch 2X gloss spray paint in white (and a clear coat on the exposed legs).
(I so need to paint this last section of foundation!)
The legs turned out great, but the top is a different story. I'm pretty sure it's MDF and although I lightly sanded it before and in-between painting, the finish didn't turn out that great. Then it rained a lot and this happened:
Bubbles! Not the paint, the actual tabletop. I guess the MDF was still able to absorb water through the paint (which is meant for outdoor use).
So, onto plan B. I know I want to salvage it, I'm just not exactly how - any ideas?
More paint problems - help!
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