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Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Info Post
Thank you so much for all your sweet comments about our master bedroom yesterday!

I couldn't resist making a few tweaks to the room last night - the empty wall above my bedside table was driving me crazy and I have a pile of picture frames in the nursery that I need to deal with before we can install baseboard in there. So I picked out a few frames, cut templates out of some old flyers and played around with the arrangement until I found something I liked.

After spraypainting all three frames black, up they went.

{step 1: hang the frames, step 2: fill them}
The round frame has some really pretty raised texture that I meant to capture in a close-up - oops. I'm also planning to add another, smaller silver frame to the bedside table. When I asked Adam what he thought, he said the round frame looked weird (apparently he didn't notice the frame below it was also empty). I explained that both frames will eventually have photos in them and he seemed happy enough. I already have a few photos in mind, and I'm hoping the empty frames on the wall will be the kick in the butt I need to actually have them printed.

Have you put up an empty frame before, or do you wait until you have something to fill it with?


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