I love handwritten thank-yous and that's exactly what we wanted to give our wedding guests. I've noticed more couples using generic,...
Saying thanks
Info Post
I love handwritten thank-yous and that's exactly what we wanted to give our wedding guests. I've noticed more couples using generic,...
I love the recessed shelving next to our bathroom vanity (who doesn't love extra bathroom storage?) - it keeps a few essentials within e...
Adam's brother stayed with us for a couple of days last week and although we forced him to sleep in a room without a door, he was nice e...
Since our wedding on Saturday, Adam and I have been "honeymooning" by putting in long hours working on our lawn (we're taking ...
I haven't posted in a week, but I've got a good excuse - Adam and I got hitched on Saturday! I'm working on a post with all the ...
Decorating is an ever-evolving process. A few weeks ago, the gallery wall in our living room looked like this: We planned to slowly keep add...